County Hall
Front of House


Northumberland County Council


30 month – Completion December 2022





The works to refurbish the existing County Hall Front of House areas commenced in August 2020 and was carried out in a number of phases over a 30 month period.

The first phase 2A included the refurbishment of the existing kitchen, council chambers, restaurant, extension to the reception into the internal courtyard and offices adjacent to internal. The existing reception was to remain occupational during phase 2A works and an additional access route was created from the reception to the toilet provision.

County Hall

The second phase 2B included an extension and the refurbishment of the reception and replacement of roof coverings,. External works and the creation of a temporary reception.

The third phase included the refurbishment of Block 1 over three floors and the construction of a new ground floor extension to Block 1. The works included alterations to the external envelope.

Works were also carried out to the staircases of Blocks 1 and 4 – the works to the staircases had to be completed following the completion of Block 1.

County Hall
County Hall
County Hall
County Hall

The fourth phase was the completion of the remaining areas of Block 6 and these works could not be carried out until Block 1 WC provision was available.

Works to create additional accessible parking facilities connected to a covered glazed walkway were also incorporated into the remodelled car parking which included extensive external works and included barrier access and electric vehicle charging points.

Solar panels (client direct sub-contractor) were incorporated into the scheme on the roof of Block 1 and Northern Bear assisted by providing access scaffold and an external haki staircase to provide safe access up to the roof for the clients direct sub-contractor.